Roundup shows announcement from nickthedude

Nick explains why there hasn't been any XNA or iPhone Roundups recently and talks about his plan going forward regarding both shows and possibly another show.


Neil said...


Why don't you get someone else to do the show on your behalf?

Harald said...

That's too bad, the show was really unique - the amount of time you spend with the games and on production value really shows through. Congratulations on the job, though :)

A lower budget show type might be doable and still interesting to watch. Perhaps the "podcast-model" could be translated to video: ie just play some games for half an hour, discuss them while playing and post the result verbatim.

Anonymous said...

Ah well, that's very understandable. Perhaps you can find a way to reduce the production times/values.

Anonymous said...


Your show is fantastic, but I can truly respect the 'having a full time job' thing :) I know you keep some very detailed statistics on your website - you should consider approaching a larger sponsor (or perhaps Microsoft?) to see if they would fund your efforts.

I would LOVE to see something like this once a week on my XBox Dashboard!

Doing the show in any way, shape, or form would be better than seeing it go away. But everyone has to make their own value decisions. Best of luck in whatever avenue you choose to persue.

Unknown said...

Maybe you should try switching to audio only. It would take a lot less time to edit/produce.

Juxipolo said...

can totally understand the full time job thing. Steady pay checks are nice. I, for one, would make no complaints if you had to lower production values or go audio only. The show's been great, but what's always been important to me is the in depth reviews, not the fancy stuff. I've always found your reviews very informative. I'll look forward to whatever you end up doing. Good luck with your real job.

Tommy McClain said...

I love the Microsoft/Inside Xbox idea. Maybe you could get an even a better job. :) Other than that I agree that an audio podcast would be excellent. Instead of making a video just require the developers to send you YouTube videos of their games & post them on the blog & link them from the other sites. Remember to keep the detail & humor of your previous shows. Also, please stray from buddying up with Carlos(sorry dude). I don't like his interaction during the reviews. Maybe interact with him after the reviews for a comparison, but the reviews should just be you. You are what makes the show & having anybody else just wouldn't be the same. Remember what happened with that one guy on the first episode of iPhone Roundup? LOL Anyway, congrats on the job & can't wait to see what is next!

Marc St.Louis said...

I was late to find you guys, and really enjoyed your shows. There is not much out there on Xbox Indy games, so you were a valuable resource. Putting food on the table comes first though.

I'm not affiliated with them at all, but I'd have a conversation with Scot Rubin and consider joining forces with The model that he has put in place there (a 24/7 games network produced centrally), may fit your work/life balance needs. If the video aspect of your show is time consuming, I could see him taking care of that on his end, with you talking over the video as you have done.

Best of luck,

Unknown said...

Congrats on the job, but I'm sad to hear the loss of the show for now. As others have suggested, maybe you can do an audio only podcast. Those are simple enough. I also wouldn't mind if you did a show just like you made this announcement. Seeing the game in action was neat, but I didn't think it was essential to the show/reviews. Hopefully you'll figure out a way to make it happen. :)

Agent Mirv said...

Hey, congrats on the job!

I love the show man, all the best.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i loved the show too, all the best for your new job!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a latecomer, I've watched about 10 of your videos now. Great stuff man. It's a shame you had to stop. However, I'm not always a fan of audio only reviews as others have suggested you moving to. However, great work, congrats on the job, and good luck with whatever you decide to do. ;-)

balufeb16 said...

I like your blog. I am follow your blog.

subsonicZ said...

Why not accept video submissions of reviews and you just act as the "creative director". By that I mean review the submissions and only release the ones that fit your creative vision and style.

Gerald said...

Hey Nick,

i can completely understand your reasons to stop producing your videos. It´s a shame though. Maybe you are interessting in scaling it down a little and join in on
It still takes some time producing the videoreviews, but it´s a lot more managable timewise. Think about it, sleep about it, pray about it - and then contact us back. ;-)

have a nice one,
Gerald from

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